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Our meeting rooms are available for rent

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SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation, offers rooms for rent such as meeting rooms in an office building located in the central part of the Strategic Industrial Zone Triangle near Žatec, as part of the Triangle City civic amenities.

Large meeting room 42 m2:

  • Equipped with carpet flooring, conference table with chairs for 14 people
  • The rental price includes internet access via WiFi, projection screen, data projector, audio equipment, whiteboard and 2 serving tables
Rental price without  VAT:
1 000 CZK/day,
600 CZK/4 hours,
200 CZK/hour.

Large meeting room with a maximum capacity of 14 participants

Interior of the office building

Civic amenities of the Triangle City investment plan

Additional information:

  • Free parking in front of the building
  • Meeting rooms are equipped with air conditioning
  • Shared washrooms with the possibility of using the kitchen on the 1. floor

Contact person:

Jiřina Veverková
Property Management Officer
SPZ Triangle, příspěvková organizace
Průmyslová 1062
Bitozeves-Průmyslová zóna Triangle
Bitozeves 438 01
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 232 640
E-mail: veverkova.j(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Published by: Martin Pondělík, SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation
In The Industrial Zone Triangle, on July 9, 2020, 11:15 a.m.
Updated on September 18, 2023, 10:25 a.m.