Δ in numbers: 15 companies, 4 913 employees as of 31/12/2023, 82.56 ha available area… More information
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Contacts of employees of The Industrial Zone Management

General email address:

This email address is managed by the assistant director of the contributory organisation:


Jaroslav Krch

Director of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

E-mail: krch.j(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Kateřina Švecová

Assistant to the Director of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 770 164 156

E-mail: svecova.k(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Jiří Follprecht

Deputy Director and Property Manager of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 778 421 489

E-mail: follprecht.j(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Jiřina Veverková

Property Management Officer of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 777 232 640

E-mail: veverkova.j(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Alena Karfíková

Project Manager of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 778 421 488

E-mail: karfikova.a(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Renata Janků

Promotion and Human Resources Officer of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 778 733 852

E-mail: janku.r(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Martin Pondělík

Human Resources and Public Relations Officer of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 778 409 690

E-mail: pondelik.m(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Pavlína Babická

Economist of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 775 137 883

E-mail: babicka.p(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Office address: building "B" of the Regional Office of the Ústí Region, Velká Hradební 3118/48, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem

GPS: 50°39'41.039"N, 14°2'27.033"E

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Miroslava Vrbová

Auxiliary Accountant of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 739 232 398

E-mail: vrbova.m(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Office address: building "B" of the Regional Office of the Ústí Region, Velká Hradební 3118/48, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem

GPS: 50°39'41.039"N, 14°2'27.033"E

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Marcela Gutschová

Accommodation Manager of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 778 112 440

E-mail: gutschova.m(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Kateřina Hrdličková

Deputy Accommodation Manager of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 776 659 888

E-mail: hrdlickova.k(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Michal Hrdlička

Facility Manager and Maintenance Worker of the SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation

Mobile phone: +420 777 170 444

E-mail: hrdlicka.m(at)industrialzonetriangle.com

Address of the detached office: Průmyslová 1062, Bitozeves-Industrial Zone Triangle, 438 01 Bitozeves

GPS: 50°22'33.846"N, 13°35'11.189"E

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Michal Varga

Strategic Industrial Zone Triangle Head of Security

Mobile phone: +420 778 444 216