- Industrial Zone Triangle Management
- Contacts of employees of The Industrial Zone Management
- External cooperation
- Declaration of accessibility
- Downloads
- Archive
Declaration of accessibility
SPZ Triangle, a contributory organisation, is improving this website to be accessible to all users and to comply with the principles of accessibility according to the methodology of the Ministry of the Interior. The form of published information is in accordance with Decree No. 64/2008 Coll., On the form of publishing information related to the performance of public administration via websites for persons with disabilities (Decree on Accessibility) and meets all the rules published in the annex to this Decree. The creation of the website was carried out in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines to Decree No. 64/2008 Coll.
PDF - Portable Document Format. A file format developed by Adobe for storing documents independent of the software and hardware on which they were created. There are freely available browsers for many platforms, the most well-known being the official browser of the parent company Adobe Reader. PDF files have a .pdf or PDF extension.
PDF is an open standard and is easily portable. Its reproduction is independent of the software and hardware used, which is why it is widespread and frequently used. On July 1, 2008, this format was published as the ISO 32000 - 1 : 2008 standard.
JPG - an image document format that can be opened in freely available applications, such as XnView.
MP4 - a video file format that can be opened in freely available applications, such as KMPlayer.