Δ in numbers: 15 companies, 4 913 employees as of 31/12/2023, 82.56 ha available area… More information
Affordable accommodation in the Industrial Zone Triangle. You will have your job closer . More information

External cooperation

SPZ Triangle, contributory organisation of the Ústí Region to steer sustainable development of the Industrial zone Triangle from the point of view to recruit a plenty of technically well educated human resources minimally in medium - term horizon, especially coming from the Ústí Region. SPZ Triangle cooperates with primary scholls, their founders and secondary technical schools from closing cities Most, Chomutov, Louny and Žatec.

SPZ Triangle offers excursion packages for apprentices, students and their parents, district chambers of commerce, labour offices and possibly for other candidates into production plants of investors settled in the Industrial Zone Triangle.

Cooperation with state and regional authoritieshttps://projekty.nexu.cz/triangle/storage/document/?id=452

Cooperation with secondary schools

Cooperation with primary schools

Cooperation with state and regional authorities

As part of further cooperation with the Ústí Region, we are also involved in the creation of the "Regional Action Plan for Education" (KAP).

CzechInvest - Business and Investment Development Agency

Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Labour Office of the Czech Republic
We are mostly cooperating with local labour offices in the City of Chomutov, the City of Most, the City of Louny and the City of Žatec, which are closer to the Industrial Zone Triangle.

Regional Economic Chamber of the Ústí Region

We are also cooperating with the District Economic Chamber in the City of Chomutov, the District Economic Chamber in the City of Most and the District Economic Chamber in the City of Louny.

Cooperation with secondary schools

Secondary Industrial School of Electrical Engineering and Equipment for Further Education of Teachers, spol. s.r.o., Žatec

Cooperation with primary school

Primary school, Most, Svážná 2342, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, U Stadionu 1028, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Václav Talich 1855, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Zlatnická 186, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Jakuba Arbesa 2454, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Vítězslava Nezvala 2614, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Zdeňka Štěpánka 2912, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Obránců míru 2944, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Rozmarýnová 1692, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, J. A. Komenského 474, contributory organisation
Primary school, Most, Okružní 1235, contributory organisation

Primary school Chomutov, Zahradní 5265
Primary school Chomutov, Na Příkopech 895
Primary school Chomutov, Kadaňská 2334
Primary school Chomutov, Písečná 5144
Primary school Chomutov, Hornická 4387
Primary school Chomutov, Školní 1480
Primary school Chomutov, Akademika Heyrovského 4539
Primary school Chomutov, Březenecká 4679
Primary school and Kindergarten, Chomutov, 17. listopadu 4728, contributory organisation

Primary school and Kindergarten Kpt. Otakara Jaroše Louny, 28. října 2173, contributory organisation
Primary school of J. A. Komenský Louny, Pražská 101, contributory organisation
Primary school Louny, Prokopa Holého 2632, contributory organisation
Primary school Louny, Přemyslovců 2209, contributory organisation
Primary school Louny, Školní 2426, contributory organisation

Primary school Žatec, nám. 28. října 1019, Louny District
Primary school Žatec, Komenského alej 749, Louny District
Primary school Žatec, Petra Bezruče 2000, Louny District
Primary school and Kindergarten Žatec, Dvořákova 24, Louny District

Primary school Podbořany, Husova 276, Louny District

Primary school Postoloprty, Draguš 581, Louny District

Primary school and Kindergarten Březno, contributory organisation

Primary school and Kindergarten Mšené-lázně, Litoměřice District, contributory organisation

We support education by being involved in the creation of the "Local Action Plan for Education" (MAP) in the Žatec and Podbořany regions.


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