Δ in numbers: 15 companies, 4 913 employees as of 31/12/2023, 82.56 ha available area… More information
Affordable accommodation in the Industrial Zone Triangle. You will have your job closer . More information

Basic entry conditions

Basic conditions applicable for the industrial zone from the land-use plans of adjacent municipalities and subsidy conditions

The land-use plans of the settlements of Bitozeves, Staňkovice, Velemyšleves and Žiželice all partially cover the area of the SPZ Triangle. These land-use plans include the following identical basic conditions:
  • in the territory of the Strategic Industrial Zone, at least 10% of the area for each building (each investor) should be green.
  • the maximum height of buildings shall not exceed 15 m. Higher buildings are considered to be visually exposed and it is therefore suggested that in case of exceeding this height within the Industrial Zone, architectural quality of such a building must be ensured by an authorised architect who shall participate the project.
  • the Industrial Zone Triangle is intended primarily for investors who conduct their business and investment activities in the manufacturing industry (except for primary processing of raw materials), as well as in the area of strategic services, technology centres or research and development, i.e. CZ-NACE 10 - 33.

The general procedure usually includes the following steps, which may vary slightly according to the current needs of the stakeholders.

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Seismic loading of SPZ Triangle.pdf 20.01.2021 450.1 KB